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Since December 2012, Professor Cesare Roseti (Ph.D.) is an assistant professor at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. He teaches “Technologies for the communications” and “Broadcast technologies” and he supports teaching in the “Satellite Communications” class, at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. Since 2010, he teaches “Principles and methods for the risk analysis” at the II-level master on “Homeland security” (Campus Biomedico, Rome). He is unit coordinator and scientific responsible for NITEL of the ESA-ARTES project “Security and content right management in satellite assisted in network caching systems” (SHINE) and technical manager of the ESA-ARTES AT project “Implementation of Virtualized Network Functions (VNFs) for Broadband Satellite networks” (VIBES). 

He achieved the Master degree on “Homeland Security” at the Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, in the 2009,  and Ph.D in “Space Systems and Technologies” in 2007. He graduated cum laude in TLC Engineering (both Master degree and Bachelor degree) at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.

As far as the research activity is concerned, he was awarded with three Research Grants at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (Dep. Of Electronics Engineering) focused on the following topics: 

“Development of services and applications for heterogeneous telecommunication networks and performance optimization”, “Use of heterogeneous networks for security applications in the public transportation service”, “Design of a telecommunication architecture for telemedicine applications”. He actively participated to a number of funded international research programmes, in the field of satellite communications, with the role of WP leader.

In 2003, he collaborated with the Computer Science Department of UCLA in the frame of an activity on “Analysis and design of transport protocols for satellite scenarios”.

In 2006, he carried out a  Stage in the On-Board Software Section in the Software Division of ESA ESTEC (The Netherlands). The research subject was “Analysis of TCP performance over DVB-RCS links”. In 2009, he was awarded with the “Company Innovation Award 2009” issued by Telespazio-Finmeccanica as co-inventor of LockSAT method (Local key synchronization and generation for security in satellite communications), whose rights was purchased by Telespazio, which registered the following patent: “Management of Synchronized Symmetric Keys for Securing Data Exchanged by Communication Nodes”. Application PCT: PCTIT2011000326 Publication: WO 2013/042143
Pub. Date: 28/03/2013 

Finally, he is co-author of about 86 scientific publications for international conferences, workshops and journals.