Slides Mario Marchese - The role of Cybersecurity in modern societies
Slides Rodolfo Zunino - The role of Data Analytics and Social Networks in Cyber Security
Slides Alessio Merlo - Mobile Security: How smart are mobile phones today?
Slides Fabio Patrone - Satellite Communications: Cyber security vulnerabilities and strategies
Slides Frans G. Von der Dunk - The Woomera manual initiative
Slides Ugo Pagallo - Data governance and security issues
Slides Silvio Straneo - Space technologies at Ansaldo Energia Group
Slides Salvatore Sabina - The ERTMS Train position function based on the GNSS technology
Slides Marco Ferrazzani and Ilaria Zilioli - ESA facing Cyber security issues
Slides Tutors - The Manfred Lachs Space Moot Court: an extra-ordinary experience
Workshop articles
Addressing obstacles to cyber-attribution: a model based on state response to cyber attack
Cold war treaties in a New World: the inevitable end of the outer space and Antarctic treaty system
Cybersecurity and anti-satellite capabilities (ASAT): new threats and new legal responses
State responsibility and attribution of cyber intrusions after Tallinn 2.0